IT terms

1. ACPI (Advanced configuration and power interface) is a power management standard proposed by Microsoft, Intel, and Toshiba for memungkinakan PC controls the power to peripherals, such as CD-ROMs and printers. For example, if a particular CD-ROM is inserted into the drive, then the computer will automatically boot.

2. ADPCM (adaptive differential pulse code modulation) is to encode the voice data file with a smaller file size than using the regular PCM format used for WAV and AIFF file formats.

3. AGP (Accelerated Graphics Post) is a graphics bus slot on the motherboard of computer designed by Intel. AGP works on 66 MHzdan transfer data up to 528MB/detik. In comparison, the PCI slot the most widely used by graphics cards to work at 33 MHz and can transfer data up to 132MB/detik. Greater bandwidth AGP allows developers of games and 3D applications to save and reuse the larger textures and realistic in memory on the memory system and not the studio.

4. AI (Artificial Intelligence / Artificial Intelligence) is one branch of computer science that make computers behave like humans. This term was first used in 1956 by John McCarthy at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Artificial intelligence among others include:

* Computer Games: computer programs for playing games such as chess.

* System Expert (Expert Systems): computer programs to make decisions in real situations, such as disease diagnosis based on the existing symptoms.

* Natural language (natural language): computer program for understanding natural human language.

* Neural networks (neural networks): system that simulates intelligence work by mimicking the human nervous.

* Robot: computer programs for use in viewing and reacting based on stimuli received by the sensor.

5. AIFF (Audio Interchange File Format) is an audio file format developed by Apple Computer for storing high-quality audio and music instrument information. AIFF is also used by Silicon Graphics and some personal audio package. This format can be run on a variety of software.

6. IP Address (Internet Protocol Address) is a unique series of numbers used to identify computers on the internet. Digit sequence consists of several numbers separated by dots, like: 202 134 123 113

7. The algorithm is a sequence of actions not stated clearly and messier to solve a problem mastermind certain timeframe. Every action must be done and has a particular effect. Algorithm can be written in many ways, from using natural language used in everyday life, graphic symbol of flow charts, to use programming languages like Pascal. In particular, the notation used can be understood easily and do not have a double interpretations.

8. ALU (Arithmetic and Logic Unit) is the central processing unit (the Central Processing Unit / CPU) to perform operations such as addition, subtraction and multiplication of integers, bit operations such as AND, OR, notes, XOR and other Boolean operations.

9. Anonymous FTP allows anyone to download files from FTP servers. Users without an account can access files without entering a username and email address as the password.

10. User Interface is an aspect of computer system or program that can be seen, at the hearing, or are perceived by human users, and the commands or mechanisms used by the user to control the operation and enter data. Graphical user interfaces use a picture that represents the command or the result of a specific command. For example: icon in windows applications and screen the mouse cursor image is part of a graphical user interface.

11. Antivirus is a program to detect and clean computer from viruses. This antivirus program scans files to detect the presence of certain viruses. Because many emerging viruses, the antivirus program was updated regularly to detect and clean new viruses.


12. Apache Web Server is a public-domain Web server developed by a group of programmers. The first version of Apache, which is based on NCSA httpd web server was developed in 1995. Because of the good features and performance as well as free availabilit, Apache became the most popular web server in the world. According to estimates, more than 50% of the world's web servers using this type. Apache Web Server core development undertaken by a group consisting of about 20 volunteer programmers, known as Apache Group. However, because its source code is available and free way to get it, everyone can adapt to the needs, and therefore there is an add-on library for apache available to the public. In many ways similar to the development of the Apache development of the Linux operating system. Original version of Apache was written to UNIX, but now there are versions for OS / 2, Windows and other platforms.

13. API (Application programming interface) is a set of functions that can diggunakan by the program to make the operating system task. For example using the Windows API, a program can open windows, files, and message boxes, as well as more complex tasks using a single instruction. Windows has several classes of APIs that relate to telephony, sending and receiving messages, etc..

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